July 14, 2013

  • Pets and mishaps, and other things

    A week or so ago when Father was here, he made the decision to move Ulam outside. The balcony is obviously the perfect placement for her, however she's taken a habit of eating Mother's plants and most importantly, chewing through the wooden railing. I couldn't really blame him; the chew marks were getting pretty severe and it's not like we own this house. 

    Since the move, Ulam has managed to escape twice. The first time, Father told me tentatively as I joined him in the living room moments after waking. And freaked out.  I wasn't even aware that at this age, I was still able to throw tantrum up to par to any bratty toddler out there. I stomped my feet, I fell on my carpet and writhed as loud shrills of accusations came spurting out of my mouth. It could not have been a pretty sight and I knew I was acting ridiculous but I just did not give a damn. I even took my anger out on Aso when he came in to investigate the ruckus I was making. Honestly, I was only half surprise the Father did not come barging in to slap me into calmness. An eternity later, I was hoarse and exhausted. I felt defeated and all I could do was sob as I lay on the feotal position. I hadn't really thought it through, but at this moment, I was thinking of ways to redeem what little pride a tantrum-throwing-21-year-old could redeem. The fact that the Father found Ulam half an hour later did not make it any easier. It wasn't until the Mother came home that I was able to march out of my room with my head held high. 

    The second one was tonight. Well it was Aso who had a mishap first. After my evening runs, I'm trying to make it a point to walk him around unleashed, because by then it will be late enough that there wouldn't be traffic, other dogs or people to worry about. He's already familiar with the route and I could usually get him to listen to me, albeit I do have to use a threatening tone. Tonight however, at the peak of his excitement, he spotted a rat that was crossing the street to our side that I'd seen just moment before. Aso bolted, he had the rat cornered in seconds, and in between his teeth the next. My original fear was that the rat would escape and make its way across the traffic and Aso would undoubtedly follow. He was just so excited that I couldn't get him to listen. So I tried and tried to intervene that I got in the way and the rat, panicking, tried to climb up my leg. It was shrieking and crying and it was horrible! Which reminded me of a conversation I once had with the pest control MILF at my past job; she said that this happens, that the rats, which sometimes could get up to the size of a small cat, once cornered would shriek and cry in fear. I know it's a pest but still! It feels pain! Eventually, out of pity - as I could see that Aso had severely injured it-, I let him finish the job. 

    So after I reprimanded and hauled him home, it was time to tend to Ulam. Obviously, since her relocation, I have refilled her pellets, hay, water and liter box with very little trouble. I didn't think it would be different this time. Which of course, the universe decided it had to be. She was quite frisky and as I was maneuvering to reach in for her food bowl, she slipped through the door of her cage.  I grabbed the same bucket the Father used to capture her and ran. Calling out to her was obviously ineffective and she would teasingly let me get inches away before hopping off. I felt so helpless as it was dark, I didn't have my phone and I was getting cold since I haven't changed my sweat soaked shirt. I actually bolted back into the house and quickly grab my phone and some rose petals the mother has planted. I debated whether or not I should grab her treats or some carrots but I obviously couldn't take my time. What worried me is that, on my walks with Aso, I would often notice one or two cats, and I've even seen 3, big raccoons in the area! I have never felt like a trespasser before, and I was actually concerned of walking up and down people's driveway at first. But in the light of what was taking place, I got over myself and figured worst comes to, I would just have to explain.  And yet again, and eternity passed when I was able to miraculously corner and catch her. It wasn't a very deep bucket and I was afraid she would jump off, so as cruel as it may seem, I had no choice but to jar the bucket and swing it back in forth in the hopes that her sense of balance would be thrown off.  I'm not going to lie, I considered just letting her go, life would just be so much easier without having to worry about another pet. However I made such a scene last time, and my conscience wouldn't allow for it knowing that there were preys around.

    And now on to the "other things". Not nearly as exciting, but I've decided that any place under 4 km could be reached by foot. This really mostly concerns getting to work and to the nearest train station.  I rationalized it as  walking vs transit (to the train station which is also by my work place) takes nearly the same amount of time since we've moved houses. It's annoying really, by drive the train station is only 5 minutes away, but because the bus goes around, it takes about 15 minutes during non-rush hour, but when walking to the station plus waiting times, it could take anywhere from 20-30 minutes. Anyway, my route when I ran takes me near the train/work and it only takes 15-20 minutes. Sounds like a plan right? I tried it out the first opportunity I got, I figured 30 mins is enough allotted time. Well, it probably would have been, had I decided not to take a "short cut" through the forest that only served to waste time. I mean it would have worked, had I been more familiar with different trails inside the forest. 


    ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!!!JUST looked up the forest and it's trails online, only to discover that I've taken the second longest trail there is inside it. OF COURSE I would. It takes the most special types of people to fuck up like that. 

    I was late but I eventually made it to work. The fact that I couldn't cut time by simply just running there was frustrating. I was constantly glancing at my watch, approximating the time it would take to bring me to my destination and it was apparent that there was no way I would make it there on time at my leisurely phase; as it was, I was beginning to sweat buckets so that by the time I made it to work, I had to take off the long sleeve I usually wear under my scrubs. I did decide to walk back home via a different route to see if it's any easier, however 1/3 of the way through, the Mother felt bad and picked me up.


    -Elle Are Emm