Month: October 2012

  • Productive of procrastination?

    Or does it really matter? 

    Day is off to a good start. Here's my to done list so far:

    [x] Woke up early (6 am)

    [x] Walked the dog

    [x] Washed the dog

    [x] Ate a meal

    [x] Dropped off the mother

    [x] Got gas

    [x] Deposited mother's check

    [x] Cleaned the rabbit's litter

    [x] Fed the rabbit

    [x] Washed the dishes

    [x] Rebooked blood donation appointment

    [x] Did the laundry

    [x] Made bed

    [x] Cleaned up room


    BOOM! and it's only 11:25 AM. I haven't felt this accomplished in a while laughing


    -Elle Are Emm


  • Fitness

    Pressure is on for me to finish   start on this god forsaken paper that I must do for school. But I don't even want to talk about that. 

    Instead of sharing my irrelevant few days, there is actually something I want to blog about. I don't want to -nor should I- make any excuses for the following statement: I want to be healthy. Sure, loosing weight would be nice too, but first and foremost, I just want to start living a semblance of what we, as humans, are meant to back in our ancestral days. 

    To be honest, I'm quite hesitant to put this thought in writing, because in doing so, I feel as though it's a manifesto with which will hold me responsible. And quite frankly, I am just too damn lazy with no self-discipline. I joke about that, but as I am getting older, I don't think it's acceptable to be joking about a serious matter such as health, and it's about damn time I get my shit together and  practice  learn some self discipline, may that be health, school, financial etc. I need to learn responsibilities, time management and all things adults are supposed to know. 

    Another thing that held - and as a matter of fact, still holding me back- is that I LOVE food and as irrational as it is, I'm afraid that choosing the healthy lifestyle might/will hinder and limit my food choices. Sure, I want less flab and more muscle mass, but I also don't want to be so caught up with being/staying healthy that I've forgotten to live and enjoy the finer things in life. I know; moderation is key, I just have to put it in practice.


    To get started, I just downloaded 2 apps on my tablet; one to keep track of my diet, the other to keep track of my exercise. Let's just see how this will turn out. 



    -Elle Are Emm

  • Youtube cruisin'

    I sit here in the dark, listening to old tunes in Youtube as I ponder about the meaning of life  

    JAY KAY.  Here's my October so far


    October 1

    Having the greatest weather we've had in a while especially for an October. Picked up a book from VPL downtown, then DC birthday in the evening where I amused myself a little too much by playing with Doobie the Golden Retriever and not so much with Taco the chihuahua; his face kind of scared me to be honest. 


    October 4

    Late dinner plus stargazing with MF in a park, near an elementary school, by my house, for her astronomy assignment. Wasn't cold and creepy at all. 

    Also told her of night before when I was browsing through my old blogs, and found a post about a best friend that I had at that point in time. To this day, for the life of my, I still can't remember to whom that blog refer. Makes me sad really, from the brief post, this person seemed to be important to me at the time.

    October 5

    KS with Aso. Had Boston Pizza delivered, at the house, watched a whole bunch of movies and naps at the house with this lady.  I later dropped her off in the evening after a quick extremely last minute,  run at the mall to buy wire cubed shelves to turn into a rabbit condo for Ulam.

    Daddy is home again for a couple of days. He finally helped me build the cage after hearing me struggle. My hero kiss

    Nothing, nothing can beat our DIY projects together.  Though I did something very terrible when the next day, the mother asked me to move the cage upstairs and out of the way as she was having company over. As we were having a hard time manoeuvring the cage through the doorway, Bill being his impatient self , grabbed it and made it slightly fall apart. See, at this point, I was already aggravated and exasperated that moving the cage should be such a struggle, so I snapped, grabbed the entirety of the cage, forgot the effort and the previous sleepless night, and promptly hurled it outside. Yeah, at 20 I still throw tantrum fits.


    October 6

    I honestly didn't feel like associating with people since I was in such an awful mood. I was surprised that the parents, though incessant that I clean up my mess, was not very firm about it. You might be wondering where the rabbit was as all this was happening, well, as a joke I had meant to very temporarily leave it inside a pillow cage. Well, I hadn't wanted to come near her because I was afraid that at my mood, I might do something more horrible that I will very  much regret. So there, I left her in the pillow case far longer than I would like to admit. 


    Needless to say, I holed up in my room the whole day and afternoon, until the friends came over. Yes I had extended an invitation earlier but I really didn't want to deal with anyone at that point. Impatient I may be, but my parents didn't raise me to be rude, so I sucked it up and eventually opened my bedroom door. 

    Very misleading Halloween costume.

    This is how we spend Saturdays. 

    Without a fail, LG, CB, DP took over my bed again, what was I to do but keep myself busy through the night. In the middle of doing nothing in particular, after my parents finished cleaning up and was heading to their room, it became apparent that my father was drunk. Here was when his disappointment in my earlier action came through as he tried to convey his drunk emotions through slurred words. I had to suppress tears from spilling over my eyes, because as comedic as he was acting, it still hurts me that I had disappointed him by acting childish and making him think that I had disregarded his help and efforts from the night before.  The ironic thing is, after this talk, I had tried to regroup all the materials that had been scattered throughout the house and lost my temper yet again when I was coming up unsuccessful. Anyway, I eventually got started with rebuilding the cage, but left it partially done when I ran out of materials. 


    October 7

    Woke up to the three shuffling around. Chatted, had some form of breakfast, then split up, CB and LG to their respective homes, DP and I to gather more supplies for my cage. 

    You know your father has a hang over when: he asks you to drive to get noodles. He held up pretty well; he honestly didn't even look hang over. Then THIS happened:

    That's my father, outside of the bank, bent over and puking his guts out. From that, it escalated to this:

    Then this:



    Best noodles hands down. The tea, not so much. 

    By the time we finished eating, my father finally had life back into him. Ahh, alcohol laughing

    We got home, and after a few hours, I was finally able to put the rabbit condo back together again. Some adjustments are still need to be made before I can be happy with it. Also, I need to think up a solution on what to do when it starts to pour and snow. 

    Church in the evening, then early Thanksgiving dinner. Which I didn't have because this is what my parents decided to serve:

    Delicious you say? Well all I see is death trap. I might have already mentioned this one-too-many-times, but I am allergic to seafood. Not all seafood, though everything on this table; a small, tiny  detail my parents seems to ALWAYS forget. True, my allergy is not severe, but it's enough to deter me from consuming certain seafoods. This dinner was very disheartening to me and I felt very neglected and excluded, not to mention hungry. After taking obligatory family photos for my mom to post on Facebook, I expressed my disappointment quietly and headed upstairs.

    I had a bout with middle child syndrome. 


    They felt bad and asked me to order pizza, even some monetary bribe that my broke ass refused because; it's not about being hungry, it's about sending a message. Sure I gave in hours later, but it was still sad that I had Tim Hortons as  my Thanksgiving meal while everyone else was well fed.

    Speaking of, my night actually got better when the Tita/manager gifted me this secretly. I had been coming back for weeks just to try this out of a friend's recommendation but they always seem to not have it when I'm there. 


    October 8

    My mom: the overly enthusiastic tourist. 

    In light of the events last night, I feel that my mother allowed me this spontaneous Seattle trip with LG and bros, JB, CB, DP, out of pity. But hey, who am I to complain?


    We left around 7 am. Headed to Tukwila for Jollibee then back to Tulalip outlet for some shopping.

    Shameless confessions: I enjoy Chow King more than I do Jollibee

    We know how to have fun. 


    October 8

    Job interview for a seasonal position. Wouldn't hire me if I were them

    I wasn't aware that it was a group interview, nor of the fact that one is supposed to bring a copy of their resume and cover letter to give to the employer. I was debating with myself, but then I thought that it wouldn't make sense for them not to already have a copy of my resume when they've already obviously seen it. 

    It's strange how simultaneously vast and tiny the world is. During my job interview, there was a younger girl there that had attended the same high school I did. I think we may even had played in the same band. I hadn't really talk to her then because we each have our own group of friends. I recognize her face but wasn't sure of her name, but out of mutual companionship, and to pass time, we managed to hold conversation while waiting for the interview to start. We even walked around the mall, and supermarket afterwards.

    I even bought us some frozen treats, and she gave me discount on some rabbit supplies that I bought at her workplace which we visited. 


    October 9

    Watched Taken 2 with the family minus the dad. Then late dinner at Boston Pizza since it was the only place open.

    Was so hungry that when I was skimming the menu, my eyes decided to skip over the listed "shrimp" ingredient. 

    But I think I've got my dislike for seafood figured out. See, to me, shrimp, lobster and crabs are not only a hassle to eat for the most part, it's also frequently tasteless, plus to me, it has no substance. Meaning, when I bite down on it, it feels like nothing in my mouth. I don't know if that makes sense, but that's the only way I could describe it.


    During dinner, we got into a heated argument about my father's desire to help out his side of the family. This isn't exactly new, and the fact that everyone else seems to favour my maternal side of the family is also not a secret. See, I get their reasoning, and I know where both of my siblings and mother are coming from. But to me, I choose to ignore my father's family's flaws and shortcomings for my dad's sake. So I support his decision throughout. I think a compromise is in order to settle this matter though. 


    -Elle Are Emm




  • Masochistic

    Guilty pleasure confessions: I think it's time I come out and say it. As much as I would deny it if any one asks in person, I enjoy watching/reading and subsequently annoying myself arguing with corny, cheesy, implausible and beyond improbable plotted movies/books. This just became startlingly clear when, the other day, searching for particular pictures for my recent blog post, I reactivated my Facebook and perused through past albums. I completely forgot that I actually have TWO albums dedicated solely for Twilight *oh dear gods*shockedstunned. I also used to do surveys on Facebook to pass time, and lacking creativity, I chose to quote books that I am currently reading at the time, hence there were one too many posts referencing Twilight. But I mean, that's just exhibit A. I am also known to indulge in romcom Asian dramas.  AND FINE, I also have read all Fifty Shades Trilogy way faster that I'd like to admit. 

    I think the impossibleness of the very generic plot of helpless, plain, girl being saved by the masculine, beyond-handsome rich guy is what's appealing to it. And not appealing in a sense that I wish I could be the protagonist in the story, I mean appealing in a sense that I like imagining the many different ways I would react had I been the love interest. 

    September 21

    Spontaneous hookah session with the Kuya and his friends. Shisha in a elevation training mask? Why not?

    September 22

    In celebration of Baby Bill's graduation, mother threw a house party. Didn't get any pictures but here's Aso being abused with kisses and cuddles by everyone:


    September 24

    Running around the house looking for my keys, when I was told that DP actually had them from the party the weekend before. Went to her house un-showered and barely awake. We were chatting on her kitchen when she realized this:

    Her cellphone case and my sweater exactly match.


    September 27

    Hi, my name is Elle Are Emm and I have hungry eyes. Bad, bad, BAD habit that must  stop. But hey, I didn't eat the whole day so when we came out to a really late dinner, I just had to order 4 things on the menu. 

    September 28 

    Ulam was running low on provisions, with the mother's help, we actually managed to find this place where they sell hay in truckloads. 


    September 29

    The evening was off to a great start: sunny but not hot, and people were over all pleasant and more than agreeable. 

    Might be slightly illegal, but I my night was made TWICE. 1) Random man offered me his expired transit ticket, and upon realizing his mistake, he actually bothered to walk back to give me his recent one. 2) two young man offered their transit seats to children. See these things does not happen very often in my presence, so it's definitely a GMH moment.

    MF is currently taking a music class in her University. Part of the program is to regularly attend concerts/opera, she gets to bring one other person and since she's a student, she gets awesome discounts. 

    I was a flautist all throughout high school where we had the opportunity and honour to perform in various locations and functions. Needless to say I appreciate music even though I have very little knowledge of it. This concert chilled me to the bones and it made me gapped-mouth in wonder throughout.  

    Ahhh, bathroom graffiti's at it's finest.  Anyway, after the concert, we stopped by a very disappointing creperie where we saw and had a brief conversation with DJ. 

    At the station where we were waiting for JB  and LG, we bumped into an old classmate. And all I can say is, dannng puberty did you well good sir. laughing  As if my night and mood can't get any better right? Since it was still relatively early for a Saturday, I invited them over to my place where the Kuya and his friends were having a scary movie marathon. 

    September 30 

    Went to a family dinner party after finally dropping off my form in school. Then watched The Mistress 

    The return of a very bitchy dog. For some reason, this dog has never liked me =/


    -Elle Are Emm

  • When nostalgia hits

    3am and I may or may not have reactivated my Facebook once again and gone on an unfriending spree. I have recently been entertaining the idea of permanently reactivating my Facebook more and more. But we'll see.

    I was going to finish my blog post for September, but for old time sake, I shall fill out this survey which I used to frequently do when I used to have Facebook



    1. When was the last time you swam in a pool?
    LONGG TIME AGO. I don't even remember! I used to swim like a fish as a kid, but I started disliking it because of body issues. Got over it. But now I'm visually impaired and it's very disorienting not to wear glasses. Wearing contacts isn't an option for swimming though. 

    2. Do you like to party?

    3. If your ex suddenly kissed you right now, what would you do?
    I would have to get an ex first (lol some things never change)

    4. You seeing someone?

    5. What are your parents views on sex?
    Not before marriage

    6. If you ran into your current crush in 10 years would you marry them?
    Which one? LOL! There has been one too many. But sure, I'll marry any one of them winky

    7. Is your best friend dating anyone?
    Most of my good friends are in a relationship

    8. Describe the shirt you’re wearing.
    Grey and old

    9. Do people who wear Hollister and Abrerbrombie every day bother you?

    10. Could you go out in public without wearing make-up?
    I rarely wear makeup

    11. What is one feature that you don’t like?
    On me? My very acne prone skin

    12. Would people describe you as happy?
    Sure, though I don't think that would be the first adjective that'll come to mind when describing me

    13. Are you single?
    NBSB happy

    14. Does it bother you that pretty much every survey you take asks if you’re single?
    No. Though it is pointless

    15. Do you have Tumblr?
    Yes. But it's been inactive for some years now

    16. What about Xanga?
    LOL! I'm on it now

    17. Have you ever babysat before?

    18. Is there a teacher who you absolutely hate?

    19. Ever shopped at Sephora?

    20. If your current partner suddenly moved away what would you do?
    If I had a partner, and they move away I'd let them (?) 

    21. Do you have any university plans?

    22. If your best friend revealed she was a homosexual, what would you do?
    "I've always known"
    23. What are your views on sex?
    Sex is a normal, biological process needed for any species survival

    24. Do sexual questions bother you?
    No. Not really

    25. Would you rather have sex with your partner or break up?
    What? This question doesn't even make sense

    26. Have you ever dreamed about your wedding?

    27. Does it bother you when people TYpe 1yk dis’? Nd stuff?

    28. Do you delete pictures of you and your exes off of Facebook?
    Literally not a concern for me

    29. Would you ever date a friends Ex?
    Most likely not. Unless they dates in like Gr 6 or something. LOLOL

    30. What’s the last book you read?
    Sinner -Sara Douglass

    31. Ready for 10 simple questions?
    Bring it

    32. What is your last name?

    33. What grade are you in?
    Grade college

    34. What school do you go to?

    35. Summer, Fall, Winter or Spring?

    36. Favorite Color?
    Black and white

    37. Are your parents together?
    Always and forever

    38. Any siblings?

    39. Favorite subject?
    English and biology

    40. Least favorite subject?
    Case FUCKING study

    41. Favorite song?

    42. Okay. Simple questions are over. Happy?
    ... it was never complex...

    43. How many friends do you have on Facebook?
    2-300+? IDK

    44. Ever been requested by some old guy from another country?

    45. Have you ever googled yourself?

    46. Have a Formspring?

    47. You’re offered free tickets to a Justin Bieber concert. What do you do?
    Wait til the day before the concert then resell it 4x it's price

    48. Would you rather spend the day at an amusement park or a water park?
    At home

    49. Been to Disney world?

    50. If someone posts their status “9 Inches :( ” do you know what they mean?

    51. Ever had a boyfriend?

    52. Ever had a huge crush on someone who still doesn’t know?

    53. Have you done something in the last week that you regret?

    54. Ever drank alcohol?

    55. Know anyone who’s currently doing drugs?

    56. Ever watched The Hills?

    57. What about Jersey Shore?

    58. Ever called someone a slut?
    As a joke

    59. What do you think of short shorts?

    60. Does it bother you if people swear around you?
    When literally every other word is a swear word

    61. Have you ever gotten an A in a subject?

    62. What about a B?

    63. And a C?

    64. How about a D?
    It's not the same as "F" right? What the hell is a "D"? I was never clear on that 

    65. Ever plagiarised?
    To some degree

    66. Would you consider yourself popular and outcast or somewhere in the middle?
    I consider myself friendly and surrounded by good company

    67. Are most of your friends older or younger than you?
    Older. Not by much though

    68. Ever been stabbed In the back by a close friend?

    69. Do you think it’s immature when people laugh at the number 69?
    Depends on the situation 

    70. Ever watched Porn?
    Yes. Welcome to the internet

    71. How many laws do you think you’ve broken in the past month?
    Going over the speed limit. 

    72. Do you wake up with an alarm clock?
    Only when I need to

    73. Do you prefer Wednesdays or Thursdays?
    Fuck Wednesdays

    74. If your school had a Glee Club would you join?

    75. Ever performed in a talent show?
    I'm talentless

    76. Have you ever cried in public?

    77. Do you have a favorite between your Mom and your Dad?
    Not preference per se, I just have a different relationship with my Dad seeing as I'm the sole girl

    78. Would you audition for a reality talent competition?

    79. How many celebrity crushes have you had?
    Too many to count

    80. How many non-celebrity crushes have you had?
    Even more than celebrity crushes

    81. Name 5 male celebrities who you think are attractive.
    Off the top of my head: Tom Welling, Jason Statham, Brad Pitt, Hugh Dancy, Matt Damon. 

    82. Name 5 female celebrities who you think are attractive.
    Again, off the top of my head: Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Aniston, Megan Fox, Christina Hendrix, Kirsten Kruek

    83. Ever been compared to a celebrity?

    84. Have any embarrassing pictures on Facebook?
    Each and every single one

    85. Do you think spending 20$ on Lip Gloss is a waste of money?

    86. Ever used Opinionated?
    Don't even know what that is

    87. Do you have a favorite store?
    Any food store

    88. Would you ever wear Flare Jeans?

    89. Do you own jeans that aren’t skinny?

    90. Have you ever worn the same outfit twice in one week?

    91. What’s the longest period of time you’ve been away from school?
    A summer

    92. Do you google abbreviations you don’t understand?

    93. Does it bother you when people have cats as their profile picture?
    Why should it?

    94. Own a pair of converse?

    95. Is there a teacher at your school who has obvious favorites?

    96. If yes, are you one of them?
    LOL. No

    97. Do you text in class?

    98. What brand of jeans do you wear the most?
    Not very particular with brands

    99. At what point do you think sizes are “Plus Sized?” Most magazines say 10. Do you agree?
    If there is any less than "Not giving a shit" then that's how much I care for this question

    100. Do you want to lose weight? 
    I want to be healthy *answers this with  KitKat in mouth at 4am*

    101. Ever seen a therapist?
    Physio Therapist?

    102. Ever watched porn?
    Already answered this

    103. Ever purposely ignored a text?
    For the time being. Eventually answer it

    104. A facebook message?
    No. I don't think so

    105. A poke?

    106. A friend request?

    107. Would you say you read into things too much?
    Used to

    108. Is your best friend more likely to be the one suggesting something stupid or refusing to do something stupid?
    I'm the instigator

    109. Do you have a “fun friend?” (A friend who you have tons of fun with but you never really have deep conversations?)

    110. Ever been called a bully?

    111. Ever purposely hurt yourself?

    112. Ever gone to church?

    113. Would you call either or your parents screw ups?
    Hell no

    114. If you turned out exactly like your Dad would you be pleased?
    More than pleased :')

    115. What about your Mom?
    I am like my mom to a degree, that's why we clash 

    116. Let me guess… You have brown hair?
    Wrong, fucker

    117. Already know what you’re being for Halloween?
    Kind of

    118. Do you still go Trick or Treating?
    No bummed

    119. Ever liked someone WAY older than you?
    HAHAHA. Yes. David Caruso, Liam Neeson heart

    120. Does it bother you when people have really loud conversations on the bus?
    Only when I'm reading

    121. When you have sunglasses on, do you stare at people?
    Yes LOLOL

    122. Ever had a credit card denied?
    No *knock on wood

    123. What’s the last movie you watched?
    Haven't finished watching Hysteria 2011

    124. Last TV Show?
    Don't remember. Don't watch much tv

    125. You see your Ex making out with one of your friends. What do you do?
    Highly improbable

    126. Ever been called a whore?

    127. Ever sang the national anthem?

    128. Ever made yourself throw up?
    Yes. One too many drinks =/

    129. Have you ever kissed someone who wasn’t your Partner?

    130. Are you Cute or Gross?
    Again, what in the actual fuck? 

    131. Does it bother you when people say “LOOK HOW MUCH YOU’VE GROWN!”

    132. Can you say intelligent things around the guy you like?
    LOL NO! I get flustered around crushes

    133. Ever had the lead in a play?

    134. What about a solo in a concert?
    Kind of

    135. What kind of a student are you?
    Procrastinating kind

    136. Worst grade you’ve ever gotten with a Letter?

    137. Worst grade you’ve ever gotten with a number?
    36%?? Didn't go to my finals worth 60%

    138. Ever had a crush on a teacher?
    Yes :X

    139. Would it bother you if you found out that your mother was pregnant?
    Yes, specially since she has her tube tied

    140. How late do you sleep in?
    I can sleep for dayssss

    141. Do you edit your profile pictures before posting them?

    142. Be 100% honest. Do you have any friends who are uglier than you?

    143. Do you believe in all that inner beauty crap?

    144. Would you consider yourself a good student?

    145. Does it bother you when Surveys ask “Did you like this survey?”

    146. Salty, Sweet, Sour or Spicy?
    Nix the sour, I'll take everything else

    147. Are you going into High School this year?

    148. What about Junior High?

    149. What is one thing someone could say to you right now that would make you cry?
    Bad news. IE: death *knock on wood

    150. Last question. How many unread messages are in your phone?


    -Elle Are Emm

  • Bitch in a uniform

    I want to start vlogging. It looks fun 


    Here we go again with the lack of blogs

    September 08

    First short, mini road trip; crossed the border to Seattle with the fam. Though crammed, it was still nice as we haven't been spending quality time together in a really long time.


     Baby J and Aso

    Had to ask the friends to stay over and periodically check in on the babies for the weekend.

     Coffee for the road. No breakfast. Left the house at 6am

    Pretty much what the car ride consisted of.

    Had breakfast along the way. Hit up Tulalip outlet where I purchased these: 

    No I do not watch, nor care for the Kardashians, hence I was very much pleasantly surprised when I found myself falling in love with this unisex scent. 

    Made it to out hotel around 1pm. Just in time for lunch!

    Space Needle

    A short walk and a little bit of sight seeing around the sea wall heading to our lunch destination

    Infamous Crab Pot. I don't know, I might just be bias because I don't care for sea food, but I found this place highly overrated, not to mention overpriced. 

    Seattle architecture. The handful of times I've been to Seattle, and the couple of times I've visited their down town, I've always had the same impression, and that is, their architecture is...lacking. I'm just not impress. But hey, what do I know right, it's not like I've toured every major city on  earth. 

    So then, we walked off our lunner, and visited the market because my brother thought it's bustling vicinity is very reminiscent to the markets we have in the home land, and had wanted to show it to the parents. 

    I was just very happy when the brother lead me here. I felt right at home amidst all these used books. I might have spent more than I intended too, and would have continued browsing if I wasn't already tired from the day's excursion. Well, and also everyone else was getting impatient waiting for me. Here are my purchase:

    I actually purchased Wicked for DP. It happens to be her favourite book and when I saw it, it instantly reminded me of her. I remember the days when I was strongly against purchasing books, mostly because I frequent the library and I also don't see the point of re-reading books as I'm already aware of it's story; the suspense is gone. But as time goes on, I found myself exposed to wonderfully written literature that are definitely worth investing money in.



    More sightseeing. I don't remember the last time I've walked this much. Smart choice of footwear, Toms are. 


    Here baby Bill had a moment. 

    [Scene: Walking down a winding stairs, Kuya ahead, myself and Baby Bill lagging after me]

    Kuya:  *whining about sore feet

    Me: This is why you should but Toms. So comfy

    Kuya:  No way, Tom's are for girls and gays. Would you wear Toms Bill?

    Bill: *indignant* NO WAY! ONLY GUYS WHO WEAR THEM ARE GAY! [pause]. I heard that you can't hear a girl fart when they wear thongs  because it separates their butt cheeks.

    Kuya: The hell are you talking about?

    Me: LOLOLOLOL!!! He heard it from Jenna Marbles!

    This still makes me laugh (obviously nothing's funny about either of my brothers being homophobic, but the situation itself was hilarious). 


    Very nostalgic. I was quite surprise that  recognize this place. First time I've been here was for my senior band trip back in 09. Of course, at that time, I was technically not in band any more. It makes me very sad that I'm not that eager girl any more. That girl would have been very disheartened to know that her future self is making this blog at this time in present not having achieved what she set out to do *sigh* sadbummed


    Here are the '09 pictures that I took. Very nostalgic indeed:

    I actually had to reactivate my long deactivated facebook and scour through my albums for these. Hmmnn, memories.


    Off to shop in the evening:

    As soon as I laid my eyes on this, I knewhad to get it! I LOVE CAPES!!!! I literally wore it around the store as I was browsing.

    Well, that escalated quickly. stunnedhappyblush

    Let this be known as the day I had to ask someone -my mom in this case- to boot alcohol for me from the supermarket. At 20, I never had to ask anyone to buy me alcoholic drinks (drinking legal age in Canada is 19, 21 in the USA), but I was too amused that the drinks were displayed right beside the ice cream freezer to pass on the opportunity,

    Who works out during a vacation? Baby Bill does. This boy just cannot  stay away from the gym.


    September 09

    More driving, more food, more shopping. This weekend was purely dedicated to splurging.

    Last stop of the weekend: Duty Free

    As soon as I saw it, I knew he would want it. The sucker is bigger than either of our head. Probably weigh the same amount too.

    Chocolate coma; only coma worth being in

    Alcohol poisoning anyone?


    September 10



    Due to some conflict with delivery, I actually had to drive down to pick up my tablet from Fed Ex. Not complaining because it was a very pleasant evening drive with the father. 


    September 12

    Met up with these two for some good ol' K-BBQ

    The world exploded because they -notorious wearer of bottoms that doesn't cover much- were both wearing the same time! 


    September 13

    Accompanied LG on an errand CB sent her to do: 
    to conduct a Craigslist transaction in the busy street of Downtown Vancouver.

    It was sunny and we pretty much had the rest of the day to ourselves. So we met up with AP and tried out this Thai restaurant. Food was good, but the server could be a little less nosy. 


    September 15

    What do you get when you combine DP and a free reign to my closet? This:

    And I really don't know how to explain the following photos, just know that at some point, my mom walked in on them in a very compromising position.

    Pure judgement and disapproval on my dog's face.


    September 16

    Was invited and attended a gay party of DP's friends'. Yeahp, she's a fag hag -_-


    I actually hadn't wanted to go since they had intended to go clubbing. This explains why I felt very standoffish that night and had reports coming back to me the next day of having scared off the straight guys that were there with my remarks. Funny, that they would be scared of my verbal abuse when it was DP throwing punches when alcohol passed through her system. And I guess, the fact that I volunteered to be the designated driver to get out of drinking didn't really help ease my inhibitions. Though I did eventually come around nearing the end of the night. 


    September 16

    Woke up to the brother and friends having a last hurrah to summer by having a small bbq in the backyard

    They spontaneously got the idea to chip in and purchase a hookah.  It was such a beautiful for late summer, so I decided to stick around,

    I really don't know why I didn't spend more time with a book out in the sun. 


    September 17

    With CB  and LG. Dinner afterwards at Bubble World, but was still early so LG and I decided to kick it at DP where we unintentionally spent the night. She was sick and got me sick for the rest of the week. 


    September 18


    Since we already spent the night over, we decided to have breakfast at IHop at White Rock


    September 20

    Mexican dinner with le mother + errands. 


    September 21

    Baby Bill finally, officially, graduated high school. Strange school is strange as it doesn't hold its graduating ceremony until the fall after the last semester, which I guess is nice. It gives a small glimpse of what people in your graduating year will be up to the next following years. Admittedly, I was quite bitter seating in my brother's commencement.  I just really  though I would be in a different place in my life by this time, but hey, it hasn't been all for nothing, I have taken away a few lessons from these past years. In any case, I think I was just too nervous and bored during my own ceremony because I don't remember any of the speeches that took place, now I wish I had paid more attention.

    Celebratory Greek dinner after. Though we weren't complete because the  Kuya had an afternoon to evening shift for work. Actually, it was only at my graduation ceremony when the whole family was complete. 


    Bored of this. Will continue later


    -Elle Are Emm