August 29, 2012

  • Personifying July

    As a kid, I've always thought if months of the year were people, June and July would be twins. 

    July 02

    Korean bbq craving fulfilled with LG and CB. Probably singularly the most expensive Asian dish. Around here anyway


    July 06

    Afternoon with Miss. TR. Friends you haven`t seen in a while yet still be on the exact same page is what love is made of pleasedsmoochheart

    Evening at Crescent beach with JW. This girl and I argue, a lot. But that`s what our friendship is made of, and that`s just fine with me. 


    July 08

    Got talked into clubbing for an apparent good cause. Gattdamn, I seriously do not like. Too many people in such a small space. 


    July 11

    A miracle occurred in the guise of my baby brother agreeing to switch his big room for my little one. Thus begin the week long journey of repainting my red room in a manlier colour of grey and blue. Featured above is DP`s appendages covered in the grey paint after a night of painting. 


    July 12


    KS and I, another girl I haven`t seen for the longest time. We caught up over Greek food in this nice restaurant with a view in New Westminster. (*see June post about surprise carefully orchestrated surprise monthsary for friends

    After,  we decided to walk down The Quay market for this special crepes my classmates rave over. 

    The entrance to the magical market is secreted in a deli/organic store. I honestly wouldn't have noticed it, in fact I actually walked pass this isle a few times. I felt like I entered Narnia to say the least. 

    Legit creperie where a very welcoming, amusing and friendly Allan the Frenchman-who-went-to-Thailand-and-had-a-life-changing-experience worked.

    It was quite amusing speaking to a French man with a real French accent; I  laughed to myself the entire time, because I couldn't help but think of the media's stereotypical portrayal of the French and thus, the first few minutes, I couldn't discern if he was faking/exaggerating or not.  

    Food coma. 

    If having a delicious creperie is not enough to make this place magical, the market also boast a selection of dining area. Not only that...

    THIS was actually the first store I spotted. It was LITERALLY a wall full of TEA! YES! I was a kid in McDonalds  Jolibee play place all over again! And it was also substantially cheaper than Teaopia or David's Tea. OBSESSED! 

    And the icing on top of a gourmet grade-A-mouth-watering-sin-inducing cake: A circus schoolYes, you read that right! The market has a circus FREAKING school! aerial silk has definitely been on my bucket list ever since I could remember! 


    Once I was finally able to collect myself from having been paralysed by amazement,  KS, the half Burmese, half Thai, decided to accompany me to a small local Thai store and show me how Thai Iced Tea and properly made! It tasted A LOT better than what I originally made.

    **Note how my things are still scattered in the background. I kid you not when I say that I was a bumming in the living room for a week or so. 


    July 13

    Room was almost done! So Mother, Baby Bill, and I went furniture shopping the whole afternoon...actually, the whole week I was pretty much furniture shopping. 

    Finally having the infamous IKEA  food...and can this is me expressing my disappointment *thumbs down*


    July 14

    Et voila!.  I'm sure I have a before picture somewhere but I can't remember where I've saved it. Well, just imagine a patchy red paint job in place of this one. 


    July 15

    Greatest accomplishment to date. Fine, I got just a tiny bit of assistance from the father! But I swear, it was mostly me! Things like this makes me feel grown up. 

    Yeahh... that's how my "new" room looks before. I've finally rearranged it to how I wanted it but I haven't taken an after picture, mostly because it looks like a war zone once again. Also, just as I was getting ready to paint it red again, father told me not to, so I'm stuck with a patchy greyish brown paint job, but oh well.


    July 17


    I'm not sure if I mentioned overnight baby sitting my god sister. Well, I did for about 3 months because of some family issues that she was having. Though finally, there is a semblance of family once again in her life...I say semblance because her life is still too complicating without her understanding any of it yet.  This picture was taken on her last night with us. 


    July 19

    Just an example of a fine, clear, hot summer day. Surprisingly, summer heat has been bearable this year. Now, that probably has much to do with the fact that I sleep most of the actual day off, and don't see the sunshine until its lowest peak in the evening. 


    July 20

    Went on Batman  marathon the day before. Felt compelled to see the midnight screening. It was a good film. Something was a bit off though, and I can't figure it out. In any case, as good as it was, it lost my attention the last third of the movie. 


    July 25

    Pretentious lonesome lunch at a cafe on a nice summer day part 1


    July 31

    Pretentious lonesome lunch at a cafe on a nice summer day part 2


    -Elle Are Emm