Month: August 2012

  • Playing catch up

    August 23

    Sushi and errand ran with DP. Nagoya was a big disappointment. 


    Play date and baby's first time at a dog park. Was a major fail because he's anti social and tried to dominate other BIG dogs as though he wasn't the size of a common sewer rat. Boy, who do you think you are? whatevah

    So Babsie, DC and I just ended up baking these super yummy chocolate crinkles. Well Babsie did, both of us were just there for the company. 

    Then we talked...and talked...and talk. Until we realized at around 11 PM that we actually haven't had anything to eat Girly chat at it's finest!

    Pho it is! Though we just barely made it on time seeing as they were actually closing in ten minutes. Luckily, they were nice ladies and let us order to go. 


    August 24

    Fish and chip with the mother! Which was also a disappointment... Man!  food has been disappointing me a lot lately bummed

    Then I received a text from Babsie informing me that I could choose to pick up Ulam the rabbit a day early. I mean, why would she even tell me this is an option?! So off we went! 

    Mr. Bunners the dad. First of many rabbit that I saw originally. He doesn't look real right?!

    The bunnies feeding! They had gotten so big the last two weeks since I saw them!

    And finally....

    ULAMMMM! aka my new baby! To be honest I was actually very unprepared, but because of my own impatience and excitement, I couldn't wait to bring this little sexless (can't tell their sex til after 3 months) baby home. Thankfully though, his owners have stack of spare bedding and hay. So I had my starter at least. 


    August 25

    Slowly introducing Aso with Ulam. It's quite hard what with Aso being a very curious hyperactive dog. I'm honestly worried that he might take a swipe at the bunny when I'm not looking. At this time though, I'm just focus on not making him excluded. 

    My children :")

    Was also invited to attend a friend's birthday, where I was convinced to gay club...then club hop, seeing as the original club we went to was actually hosting an event with special guest DJs; heterosexuals heavily outweighed the homosexuals. Surprisingly, I had fun. I've always been curious on what the "gay scene" would be like, especially due to the following reasons:

    1) Drag queen

    2)Infamous free condoms and lube

    The latter I managed to grab a handful of as souvenirs, but there weren't any drag shows that night in the three different clubs we rotated to. Hence, my night was only half accomplished. 

    **Note to self: take a picture of condom collection....uhhhh, THAT sounded skeezy, but really it's an inside joke. 

    The birthday celebrant was also very generous and had paid for all expenses that night. So all in all, I spent $12.50 which was from cab and transit fee. Whao..that's must be the least amount I've ever spent on a night out. 

    I was actually quite apprehensive at first seeing as I really dislike clubs, and I do apologize for my ignorance, but believing the stereotype of gays being highly vain and judgemental, I even forced myself to wear "proper" club attire. Its ridiculous, but I felt highly exposed in my pencil skirt, heels and see through shirt. Then,  we rode the Skytrain, and seeing as it's a Saturday, 2nd to the last weekend before school officially commence, there were flocks and flocks of girls dressed down even more than I am. So for the first time that night, I feel clothed. 

    I know I promised myself that I wasn't going to try any other donair/shawarma place other than the one I've been frequenting since I was in grade 8, however not having anything to eat before we'd gone drinking/dancing the night away, I/we were pretty desperate. And it just so happened that there was this small donair shop conveniently located next to the club. Well, as turned out, my suspicions were right: this donair could have been nothing but a disappointment.  

    Oh yeah...This happened. A photographer had signalled for a friend and I to pose for a picture. I actually didn't expect it to be published, but wondering if it did I checked on the website and under photos of events, there was this photo. Hey, at least I'm sober, decent and clothed. 


    After thought: Maybe I felt more like being sociable that night which brought a false sense of comfort, but to be honest, I didn't think it was any different that "straight club" You have people dancing, grinding, bumping, making out, getting drunk and just having fun. Although it was sexually charge in a different way than a straight club would be. Regular clubs make me feel uncomfortable because for me, it's a place where people hook up (of course this is a big generalization, but it's true nonetheless), but I found that in the gay clubs that we went to, the crowd is a bit older and you generally just get left alone. 


    August 26

    Yes it took awhile bummed but I was finally able to get Ulam a few more of his necessities. Although I soon found out that cages go anywhere from 70-100$, me being a broke student settled to buy a litter tray and proceeded to fashion a makeshift cage for him. In any case, since Ulam is a lone rabbit, I do not intend to cage him. Mr Bunners is actually a house bunny who is left to frolic around as he wish, so I just got a tip from his owners and I was told that one way of potty training Ulam is to keep him caged in one area for about 2 weeks until it is familiarized with its own area then I can proceed to let him be essentially free. 


    In the evening, we had unexpected visitors which included these two cuties. My father's aunt, uncle and niece (the two kids pictured above are her children) dropped by. They were actually who we had stayed with for a couple of nights when we first arrived here nearly 10 years ago. We lost contact, and I personally haven't seen them in more than 7 years (?). Such a shame too; it's not like they live very far. It's heart breaking because I remember the big family gatherings that we would have back home, and I thought that having relatives here would have a semble to that. But alas, we were too new and different (at the time at least). 

    Strange how time seem to run slowly and next thing you know ten years has passed. When we came here, my dad's niece would have been 4 years older than I am today. Now, she has a 5, 2 and a 4 months old. I wasn't sure how I should interact with her, because though she's 15 years older than me, I am no longer the child she met 10 years ago. This is very mind boggling. 

    Anyway, I found these two darlings very endearing. Though I have seen them very briefly once some years ago, this was the first time I've interacted with them.

    My father's aunt is actually my darling grandma's elder sister. They are so a like in appearance and mannerism that it made me miss her, miss them.  As much as I try to deny it (due to reasons too long to explain in this post), I crave family very much. Moments like these makes me feel void inside *sigh*


     Anyway, I've pretty much caught up. These past three days had been very uneventful aside from seeing Expendables 2    
    technically two days ago (on Tuesday, August 28) with the whole family.  Uneventful it maybe but Tuesday was one of my bipolar days. I just felt so angry at everyone and everything (no! I am/was not pmsing) it's hard to explain now given that the emotion has -mostly- passed. But I think I just need to be alone for a while, wean out this anger, as not to accidentally snapped at anyone. 


    -Elle Are Emm

  • August is narcissistic picture overload month

    Kindly excuse my face. 


    August 1

    Jump starting the month with blood donation! Since I got my piercing on my birthday last November, I haven't been able to donate, partly because of a six month wait after a body modification and also the location of the clinic is far off. Now that they've moved closer though, I will definitely be donating regularly again.  This was also a very productive donating session, with lots of curious questions on my part. 

    Reason to donate! FREE GOODIES

    Beach in the evening with these ladies! Original plan was that we spend the whole afternoon at the beach and wait for the fireworks in the evening. But because it's us, and due to my utter lack of sense of direction, we actually didn't get there until 15 minutes before the fireworks started. 

    And as if we didn't get enough of each other, us three eventually ended up at the Babilonia's residence, with some Church's Chicken, in the wee hours of the night. 

    August 03

     Vanity insanity.  I just couldn't get over how much I find this haircut amusing. Who would have thought having such short cut is liberating, especially coming from someone who has always had long hair. Well, I mean, maybe I've put some thought into it. I just can't help feeling like, as a girl,  being able to disassociate myself with the length of my hair makes me a little bit more mature. That thought in itself is liberating. Strange that having a boyish cut makes me feel less of a girl and more of a woman. 

    Anyway, the whole time I was camwhoring, I was actually supposed to be at the Somsena's paying KS a visit with JB but because it was way too hot, I waiting until the evening.

    After a whole bunch of talking, eating and watching horror movies, we spontaneously decided to go to the night market, where we convoyed with LG and CB which caused a lot of frustration on my part to say the least. Nonetheless, we got there safe. However, because it was so last minute, we actually only had about half an hour before the market close. Though since we came so far, we decided to hit the local arcade shop.

    Where Baby Brother Somsena unofficially celebrated his birthday at the stroke of midnight.


    August 4

    Back to back to back  outing. This was planned at least. 

    Awhile back, LG bought us kayaking tickets (bless her good soul). Plan was, we would leave early, have breakfast, kayak then beach. Due to the late night the night before however, we didn't leave the next day until past noon. 

    JB aka kayak buddy. Took us 2 hours to make a round trip from one end of the lake and back. Good times spent talking indeed. 

    Bonus unintended cool, warped photo. 

    August is fireworks season. It also just happened to be CR birthday that day. So after kayaking, off to the beach it is!

    FIRST STOP after paying 20$ to park at a sketchy garage, is food! Greek food once again at Maria's Taverna.  My love for Greek dining is ridiculous. 

    When we got there, the sun was at its all time hight. T-6 hours before the fireworks but the beach was already jammed pack. Oh it gets worst...much much worst. 

    Babilonia sisters LOLOLOLOL

    Friends <3 

    This is actually a competition that happens annually. This year it was Vietnam, Brazil and Italy competing, though I'm not so sure if anyone knows what the prizes are nor how the judging works exactly. But because it's such a big turn out every year, they have live bands performing in the background. That day's performances included: Hannah Georges and Said The Whale both were really good live!



    T-1.5 hours before the fire works. At this time, one could literally not walk a foot without stepping on someone. Oh, it got worst from there.

    FINALLY! I did't see Vietnam but it wasn't any good from what I heard. I'm glad I went to see Italy because it was quite a show! I had chills at some point. 

    Crowd dispersing. It was such a shame that people could be such pigs and leave their mess on the beach for others to deal with. Tsk tsk.


    August 05

    Baby Bill comes home and tells me to go to my room because there's something there for me. He's definitely the better brother. 

    For some reason the mean in this family have a knack of gifting me things in pink. Who am I to complain when they're free. 

    In any case,  Baby Bill wasn't satisfied with his purchase of our watches. 


    August 7

    So two days later I got an upgrade:

    And he chose white this time. I think he sensed my confusion at his choice of colour the first time around.


    August 9

    This happened:

    IHOP with KS and DP. I think DP slept over at my house the night before, then we decided to grab brunch at Ihop since I've been wanting to try the new red velvet pancakes. 

    After brunch, I had to go take care of some things in school that I really don't want to discuss in this post. But let just say that it made me so antsy that it ruined my lunch; I lost focus while three-point-turning at a narrow alley and had backed into a fence. Damage was easily repairable and no one was hurt, thank goodness *sigh of relief*

    We headed home and parted ways for a few hours because Babsie came to pick me up so she could show me these:

    BUNNIES! Her best friend's rabbit had a litter of bunnies and she was giving some away! I've always wanted a rabbit as a kid so I don't think it was entirely on impulse when I agreed to adopt one. I was there to scope the coop and choose which one I would bring home in two weeks time (seeing as they were only several weeks old at the time of photo). 

    Close to 9pm, we (Babsie, KS, DP and I) regroup to see a free outdoor movie. We got there late, plus it took us so long to find the place that we didn't exactly have the greatest seat. 

    Hunger Games was showing in concrete parking lot. Everyone had brought a lawn chair while we brought blankets whatevahwtfconfusedbummed To be fair, I/we had no idea that the venue would be at a closed off parking space. 


    August 11

    Semi spontaneous trip to Cultus Lake with LG, CB and DP.  Such a shame that we didn't leave earlier (we arrived early evening) nor did we have the insight to frequent this lake earlier in the summer when the heat was at its greatest. Would have been perfect!  Oh well, there's always next year I supposed. Though I have made up my mind to own a house by a lake before I die. 

    Yet another trip to the Night Market, where we eventually met up with JB. This must have been the most times I've visited the Night Market in one summer.

    The Wishing Tree.  The first couple times I went to this market (there are two, this being the newer one) I just thought this area with Christmas light decked trees were just for decoration. This time when I went, I saw people taking pictures  and had gotten curious. As I approached, I noticed the branches of the trees were littered with hanging postcards that have little written messages on them. What I learned was, it's actually a charity foundation fun raiser of sorts for less fortunate people. They gather donations in exchange for a wish. It may seem silly, bogus or a waste of money for some, but the idea just really appealed to me. 

    Maybe because I'm in a stage in life where I'm in need of something intangible, because that upturned postcard pictured above is what I wished for.  After all, everyone needs something to believe in, right? 

    It felt like an intrusion reading through and taking pictures of other people's wishes, so I didn't take any, other that this one jut because it really spoke to me. It's strange though, there were probably hundreds of different cards hanged on that tree from hundreds of different people, but they spoke of more or less the same thing. Also, another strange thing that I can't quite explain; that little area that takes up such a small percentage of space of the market brought a profound sense of calmness in me, thinking about it now still has me in awe. Maybe it has to do with how those pieces of paper show the more sincere, hopeful and vulnerable side of humanity that gets me. 


    August 13

    Time for a trim!

    Okay... so it wasn't supposed to turn out like this! I was actually really happy with my previous cut but I had just wanted the back to be shorter and the sides to go around my ear. But since I wasn't wearing my glasses when I was having a trim, and because I could be such a push over when it comes to telling people how to do their job... 

    In any case, it's just hair right? Besides, it brought me closer to looking somewhat androgynous ( extremely long story short: I have a HUGE fascination with androgyny)..or more masculine anyway. I just think this suits my personality more. There was also a purpose and back story as to why I've been trying to look more masculine. But it's really irrelevant now since my trip to visit family this September is not happening any more. 

    Was an honourary Perez for the night. Gotten bored and went over to their place to watch Get Smart. Then off to fulfill McD craving at 1-2 am where we sat outside and listen to the older Perez relieve their childhood twisted memories. 

     August 14

    Korean restaurant with MF, LG, DP.  It was LG and I sharing and MF/DP. We clearly beat them. 

    DP and I ended up at MF's new apartment after where we did what we usually do; a whole lot of nothing. Then in the evening the brothers picked us up to watch Bourne Legacy....

    ...where we she decided to troll her friends(and everyone else in the theatre for that matter) whom we ran into, by -without a warning- introducing me to them as her girlfriend. Aesthetically, I made a very convincing female lover that night, what with the short hair and t-shirt combo. 


    August 18

    Mixed it up a little and tried to look like a woman for a debut that night:

    Where as according to custom, a speech is given by honourary guest (myself included). See, I actually like preparing and giving speeches, the only problem is that, in my head it sounds perfect, and everyone burst into applause and happy tears, when in reality I'm nothing but a stammering fool whatevahbummed

    The debutant. 

    First dance of the night: father and daughter. Never fails bring tears to my eyes :')

    Bad blurry pic. But meet  Heart Break Kid aka the heart stiller/stealer aka star of the night.

    Debutant and Baby Bill. Oh yeah, she has a huge crush of him, and she hasn't been afraid/shy to let everyone know. 

    Such a coincidence,

    Party favours! Simply adorbs. 

    There really wasn't much for us there, so after the food and the speech we headed home. But since it was a Saturday, I didn't feel like staying home just yet. Hence, I went to the Babilonia's to have a chit chat and troll session with JB. DP was at the night market with her siblings, but as soon as she got home, I picked her up  so she can sleep over.


    August 19

    My adorable "girlfriend".

    **I actually sent this exact photo to her actual boyfriend, and instead of fawning over it like I thought a boyfriend would , he ended up criticizing her instead. I really have no understanding of the type of relationship these two have -___-


    August 20

    Pub dinner with KS and WT (another lady I haven`t seen in a while) 

    KS got buzzed from the one glass of Bellini she had, so before she went home, we went to my place instead to help her sober up, where this happened:




    August 21

    Beach day once again. And again, this is probably the most times I frequented the beach since ever. 

    We had originally intended to bike around Stanley Park  then catch the free outdoor movie in the evening. As per usual, though, whatever we intend to do earlier usually never happens.

    Turns out we were in the wrong area of the beach, so we had to walk quite a ways away to get to the park where the movie is about to be played. 

    And as I was looking about, my eyes happened to catch the sign of this cafe:

    And without a moment's hesitation, I had to go in, company/friends be damned.

    Caramel chocolate cheesecake. /DEADS!!!!


    Sunset at the beach are always breathtaking. 

    Turns out, all this time, we were heading opposite to where we should be. I guess it had seemed like I was blaming JW  seeing as she was taking the lead, so we got into a bit of an argument, and I stormed off aimlessly to put distance between us. Just when it seemed that the night was ruined, I actually spotted the right park mere meters away from where we had out outburst. 

    Ironic thing is, I actually didn't care much for the movie (though Labyrinth is a classic) I could always watch it at home; I went out to spend the day and have fun. Luckily, we made up pretty quickly. 

    After the film, we crashed back to my house. JW went home and the rest had another accidental sleep over at my place. 

    And because they were too stubborn to listen to my suggestion of pulling out the other bed so that we all have a place to sleep, I ended up bedless, so I decided to do some activating in the kitchen.

    Went out for baking powder and eggs at 1 am that I didn't even need 

    Fruits of my labour. BIG FAT NOTHING. After 4 failed attempts at mochi ice cream I finally gave up, went upstairs and slept on the couch.



    -Elle Are Emm

  • Personifying July

    As a kid, I've always thought if months of the year were people, June and July would be twins. 

    July 02

    Korean bbq craving fulfilled with LG and CB. Probably singularly the most expensive Asian dish. Around here anyway


    July 06

    Afternoon with Miss. TR. Friends you haven`t seen in a while yet still be on the exact same page is what love is made of pleasedsmoochheart

    Evening at Crescent beach with JW. This girl and I argue, a lot. But that`s what our friendship is made of, and that`s just fine with me. 


    July 08

    Got talked into clubbing for an apparent good cause. Gattdamn, I seriously do not like. Too many people in such a small space. 


    July 11

    A miracle occurred in the guise of my baby brother agreeing to switch his big room for my little one. Thus begin the week long journey of repainting my red room in a manlier colour of grey and blue. Featured above is DP`s appendages covered in the grey paint after a night of painting. 


    July 12


    KS and I, another girl I haven`t seen for the longest time. We caught up over Greek food in this nice restaurant with a view in New Westminster. (*see June post about surprise carefully orchestrated surprise monthsary for friends

    After,  we decided to walk down The Quay market for this special crepes my classmates rave over. 

    The entrance to the magical market is secreted in a deli/organic store. I honestly wouldn't have noticed it, in fact I actually walked pass this isle a few times. I felt like I entered Narnia to say the least. 

    Legit creperie where a very welcoming, amusing and friendly Allan the Frenchman-who-went-to-Thailand-and-had-a-life-changing-experience worked.

    It was quite amusing speaking to a French man with a real French accent; I  laughed to myself the entire time, because I couldn't help but think of the media's stereotypical portrayal of the French and thus, the first few minutes, I couldn't discern if he was faking/exaggerating or not.  

    Food coma. 

    If having a delicious creperie is not enough to make this place magical, the market also boast a selection of dining area. Not only that...

    THIS was actually the first store I spotted. It was LITERALLY a wall full of TEA! YES! I was a kid in McDonalds  Jolibee play place all over again! And it was also substantially cheaper than Teaopia or David's Tea. OBSESSED! 

    And the icing on top of a gourmet grade-A-mouth-watering-sin-inducing cake: A circus schoolYes, you read that right! The market has a circus FREAKING school! aerial silk has definitely been on my bucket list ever since I could remember! 


    Once I was finally able to collect myself from having been paralysed by amazement,  KS, the half Burmese, half Thai, decided to accompany me to a small local Thai store and show me how Thai Iced Tea and properly made! It tasted A LOT better than what I originally made.

    **Note how my things are still scattered in the background. I kid you not when I say that I was a bumming in the living room for a week or so. 


    July 13

    Room was almost done! So Mother, Baby Bill, and I went furniture shopping the whole afternoon...actually, the whole week I was pretty much furniture shopping. 

    Finally having the infamous IKEA  food...and can this is me expressing my disappointment *thumbs down*


    July 14

    Et voila!.  I'm sure I have a before picture somewhere but I can't remember where I've saved it. Well, just imagine a patchy red paint job in place of this one. 


    July 15

    Greatest accomplishment to date. Fine, I got just a tiny bit of assistance from the father! But I swear, it was mostly me! Things like this makes me feel grown up. 

    Yeahh... that's how my "new" room looks before. I've finally rearranged it to how I wanted it but I haven't taken an after picture, mostly because it looks like a war zone once again. Also, just as I was getting ready to paint it red again, father told me not to, so I'm stuck with a patchy greyish brown paint job, but oh well.


    July 17


    I'm not sure if I mentioned overnight baby sitting my god sister. Well, I did for about 3 months because of some family issues that she was having. Though finally, there is a semblance of family once again in her life...I say semblance because her life is still too complicating without her understanding any of it yet.  This picture was taken on her last night with us. 


    July 19

    Just an example of a fine, clear, hot summer day. Surprisingly, summer heat has been bearable this year. Now, that probably has much to do with the fact that I sleep most of the actual day off, and don't see the sunshine until its lowest peak in the evening. 


    July 20

    Went on Batman  marathon the day before. Felt compelled to see the midnight screening. It was a good film. Something was a bit off though, and I can't figure it out. In any case, as good as it was, it lost my attention the last third of the movie. 


    July 25

    Pretentious lonesome lunch at a cafe on a nice summer day part 1


    July 31

    Pretentious lonesome lunch at a cafe on a nice summer day part 2


    -Elle Are Emm

  • June Happenings

    June 02

    Post Sunday church dinner with le parents. Let my Thai Iced Tea  obsession BEGIN! 


    June 04


    Spontaneous Downtown drives to a 24/7 vegan restaurant at 4am. Then going to the beach at dawn to take pictures. Days like this makes me feel extra blessed 

    June 14

    Kuya's 23rd


    June 15

    Trip to the dentist plus Greek dinner, cupcakes at White Rock beach and Fat Burger souvenir and dinner for baby Bill avec MF.  Because who needs to get summer bod when you can just eat cupcakes right?

    June 16

    DP first time meeting the bf's friend as his gf. She tried to escape through the bathroom window. 

    And because I didn't really feel like partying, and I have an exam that coming Monday anyway, I decided to spend the night at SFU again not really getting anything done. 


    June 21

    Early Sunday-Mother's day dinner at Nahm Thai Bistro.  I LOVE Thai food! 


    June 23

    Set up a surprise monthsary (?) dinner for friends masked as a dinner birthday for another friend. They ate at a romantic Greek restaurant across from where we had dinner, which was another Greek restaurant with great ambiance but mediocre food. 


    June 28

    Was getting really annoyed with my left over permed so I decided to chop it all off. It's funny how I am not attached to my hair at all; that realization is very liberating actually. 

    Met up with LG, CB for k-chicken late dinner after. Saw some people from high school there. It's funny how nothing really changed in the 3 years since I've graduated. 


    That's all for June. BRB for July and August.


    -Elle Are Emm

  • Because a picture is worth a thousand words

    miss blogging. I miss chronicling my often-monotonous, insignificant days. But I've just been so down in the dumps internally that I haven't been able to find the energy to log back in. Though luckily, I have been able to take snapshots regularly since. 

    I think what I need now is to get back into the groove of things to restore normalcy and balance. So here are picture from the last 3 months. 


    May 25

    Get together at the Gabo's. There's nothing like seeing baby pictures of friends

    Food, ghost stories, jenga-like-game, B rated movies, drunken Baby Bill, and more food

    May 26

    Quality ethnic food + "study session" with MF who was clearly hard at work in that photo. 


    May 31

     Then I found more ways to not study once I acquired a tablet. What better way to kill time than force an anonymous stranger into a fake marriage? 

    Bubble 88 dinner with a few friends where we made my god sister cry by teasing her with a boy.  We're classy people. 



    BRB for the rest


    -Elle Are Emm






  • When family sucks the energy out of you

    I never thought this day would come when I would finally confront my mom and act like the better adult.  Too many unresolved issues that are long over due. It's time to step in and voice myself, because at 20, I've earned the right to be treated as an equal


    -Elle Are Emm